Saturday, December 5, 2009

Black Urine And Black Stool

of Privatization ' Water

GOVERNMENT privatize the 'Water and the commons

With art. 15 of Decree 135/09 (Ronchi Decree) the Government gives to private drinking water subtracting the citizens to hand, from 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business.

Wednesday, November 18 was voted confidence in the House on a Decree 135/09

Read the press release of the Italian Forum of Water Movements

Thursday November 19 has been finally adopted the text of the decree (302 votes in favor and 263 against)

Watch as the deputies voted


On September 10 the Council of Ministers approved the Decree 135/09.
The Senate, November 4, amended and approved the decree .
Then the text was discussed by the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives since November 10. On November 18
has won the confidence of the House Thursday, November 19 and was finally adopted ( read the text of art. 15).
The parliamentary process of the DL 135/09 - Article 15 and the modifications introduced . Its conversion into law
deprive citizens and the sovereignty of the Regions and Communities drinking water tap.
We think it is enough to prevent an epilogue, is inviolable for a concept that includes water as a universal right and not as a commodity, but also for disastrous impact that privatization could lead to citizens depending on growth rates.
is what happens when you privatize water (the case Acqualatina SpA).
In our opinion:

This is the final commodification of goods essential to life

This is the final delivery to market of a universal human right
It is a measure unacceptable!


To date 58,000 people have signed the appeal


Protest against this decision by the Government through dialogue with parliamentarians and sending e-mail to the Minister of Environment, the various ministers and parliamentarians.
Ask your City Council take a stand against this decree declaring water a commodity and start a campaign - even through a signature campaign - to commit the council to include in the Charter Hall recognition that water is "a common good and a universal human right" and that the water service is "a free service of economic interest" to be managed in a public and with the participation local communities. ---> Download petition against Articles 15 and 23a to collect signatures and organize banquets
Support the actions proposed by the Italian Forum of Water Movements. These are our proposals for the water service ripubblicizzazione
Water privatized "Damn you ...!" - Letter from Father Alex Zanotelli (Comboni Missionary) - Subscribe to the Nov. 29 letter by sending an email to concerned with: adhere

Monday, November 16, 2009

Is Chinese Curry Chicken Bad For You

Aspartame ... the inconvenient truth! FREEDOM OF MIND GIVES

Aspartame ... the inconvenient truth!

L 'no aspartame has been approved for use in food until 1981. For over eight years the FDA (Food and Drug Administration - Food and Drugs Administration) has refused to approve the use of aspartame because of seizures and brain tumors that
this substance has caused in laboratory animals. The FDA continued to refuse to approve it until President Reagan took the office (it was a close friend of GD Searle - now Monsanto) and fired the FDA commissioner who had refused to approve aspartame. Subsequently, Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes was appointed commissioner. But strong opposition to the approval of the drug continued to the point that he was appointed an investigative commission. The Commission's response went like this: "Do not approve the 'aspartame."
However, Dr. Hayes went over the committee's decision and also approved aspartame.

Shortly after approving the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages, Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes, signed a cooperation agreement with the agency of public relations of GD Searle.
long-term damage
Aspartame causes damage "Slow and silent" in all those people who are so unfortunate as to have no immediate reactions and therefore have no reason to avoid it. It may take one, five, ten, forty, but in the long severe problems will occur (some reversible and some not) to all those people who use it habitually.

methanol (methyl alcohol / poison) (nell'aspartame contain at least 10%).
Methanol is a deadly poison. Some people may recall that methanol caused the death and blindness of many wine consumers a few years ago. Methanol is gradually released in the small intestine when the methyl group aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin.

The absorption of methanol into the body is sped up considerably when free methanol is ingested. Free methanol is formed nell'aspartame when heated above 30 ° C. This occurs when a product containing aspartame is stored and improperly stored or when it is heated (for example, as part of any food).
inside the body methanol turns into formaldehyde and formic acid. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An evaluation EPA (Environmental Protection Agency - Environmental Protection Agency - USA) on methanol states that methanol "is considered a poison accumulation, due to the low rate of excretion once absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and in formic acid, both of these metabolites are toxic. " The EPA researchers recommend a maximum consumption of 7.8 mg per day. One liter of aspartame sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. The regular consumers of products containing aspartame consume up to 250

mg of methanol per day, 32 times the upper limit suggested by 'EPA.
Problems from methanol poisoning are the most popular issues related to sight. Formaldehyde is a well known carcinogen and causes retinal damage, interferes with DNA replication and causes birth defects. Given the lack of some key enzymes, humans are much more susceptible to the toxic effects of methanol than animals. Consequently, the evidence on aspartame and methanol made at the expense of laboratory animals do not properly reflect the risk to humans. As pointed out by Dr Woodrow C. Monte, director of the Laboratory of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Arizona, "there are no studies on humans or mammals to evaluate possible mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic effects resulting from the assumption chronic methyl alcohol. "
E 'been pointed out that fruit juices and alcoholic beverages contain small amounts of methanol. It' important to remember that the methanol content in natural products never appears alone. In every case, ethanol is present, usually in quantities greater than that of methanol. Ethanol is a natural antidote for methanol toxicity

in humans. American troops during the Gulf War were quenching with large amounts of beverages sweetened with aspartame, which had been heated over 30 ° C by the sun of Saudi Arabia. Many of them returned home with numerous disorders similar to those seen in people chemically poisoned by formaldehyde. The free methanol in
drinks may have been one of the factors that contributed to the manifestation of these disorders. Other breakdown products of aspartame such as the diketopiperazine (DKP), may have been another factor.
In 1993, an act that can only be described as "irresponsible", the FDA approved aspartame as an ingredient in many food products that can be heated above 30 ° C.
Worse still, 27 June 1996, without public notice, the FDA removed all restrictions on the use of aspartame allowing its use in everything, including foods that are heated or cooked.
The truth about the toxicity of aspartame is very distant and different from what the NutraSweet Company discloses and wants the public to believe. In February 1994, the DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services - Department of Health and Human Services) of the United States has made public the list of side effects reported to the FDA (DHHS 1994).
Aspartame accounted for more 75% of all reported side effects all'ARMS (Adverse Reaction Monitoring System - to check for side effects) of the FDA.
The FDA itself admits that only one percent of those who have problems relating to the consummation of what we shall eat the administration. This means that the 10,000 complaints received could be quantified in fact around one million. However, the FDA has a big problem to maintain and respond to complaints it receives (they never replied to the letter normally recommended by the webmaster of this website ... a major victim!) And also tend to discourage any form of protest. The question is that most victims do not have any evidence or information that could be aspartame cause of many of their problems! Many of the physiological reactions caused from aspartame are very dangerous and should be up to convulsions and death.

These are the reactions and side effects:
- abdominal pain
- to
Attachment anxiety
asthmatic reactions
swelling, edema (fluid retention)
problems concerning the level of sugar in blood (hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia)
brain cancer (animal studies carried out before approval)
breathing difficulties
burning eyes and throat
burning on urination
difficulty thinking logically
pain in chest
chronic cough
chronic fatigue
excessive thirst or hunger
distortion of reality
facial redness
hair loss (baldness) or thinning hair
headache / migraine, dizziness
hearing loss
hypertension (pressure high)
impotence and other sexual problems
poor concentration
susceptibility to infection
joint pain
clouding of thought
marked change of personality
memory loss
problems and change in menstrual cycle
muscle spasms
nausea and vomiting
tingling and numbness of the extremities
allergic reactions and the like
panic attacks
reduction in memory
increased heart rate
skin reactions
pronunciation difficulties
pain in swallowing

Tinnitus - Dizziness

vision loss
weight gain

Aspartame mimics symptoms or worsens the following diseases:
- Fibromyalgia

Arthritis - Multiple Sclerosis

Disease Parkinson
awareness to many chemicals
diabetes and diabetic complications
Birth Defects
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Lyme Disease
concentration problems
Panic attacks
Depression and other psychological problems
Like this:
Methanol, from aspartame, is released in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin ( Stegink 1984, page 143). Free methanol begins to form when any liquid product that contains aspartame is heated to a temperature above 30 ° C. .. This also occurs naturally in the human body.
The methanol is then converted to formaldehyde. The formaldehyde results in the formation of formic acid, the venom of the ant. L 'formic acid is toxic and is used as an activator of strippers for urethane and epoxy coatings. Imagine what it does to your tissues!
Phenylalanine and aspartic acid account for 90% of aspartame, and these amino acids, when taken with food, normally used by the body for the synthesis of protoplasm. But when unaccompanied by other amino acids that would normally eat in a normal protein meal [we use about 20], become neurotoxins.

This is the reason for which we find on the label of EQUAL and other aspartame products, the warning for phenylketonuria (PKU). 2% of the population suffers from this disorder that results in extreme sensitivity to this substance, unless it comes from the power. This causes problems to the brain and other birth defects! In the end, phenylalanine becomes DKP (diketopiperazine), a substance that causes cancer of the brain.
In other words, L 'Aspartame converts to dangerous byproducts for which no natural countermeasures. The empty stomach of a person on a diet accelerates these conversions and amplifies the damage. Components of aspartame go straight to the brain, causing severe headaches, mental confusion, seizures and balance problems. Rats and other animals used as guinea pigs are then died of brain cancer.

Despite defense claims of Monsanto and other companies:
1. Methanol alcohol and juices does not is converted to formaldehyde in any significant degree. There are strong scientific evidence to confirm this fact for alcoholic beverages on reasonable grounds and evidence for juices.
2. Formaldehyde obtained from methanol is very toxic even in very low doses * * as evidenced by recent scientific research.
3. The chronic toxicity and the reactions from aspartame and damage resulting from the conversion of methanol to formaldehyde and other products of its metabolism even if the industries are trying to prove otherwise with research in the short term using an experimental substance that is chemically different and that is absorbed differently than the original substance that is put up for sale.

Almost all independent studies, however, "strangely" indicate that the 'aspartame can cause serious health problems.
4. A loophole commonly used by Monsanto is to claim that 'aspartame is "safe" but which some people may have "allergic" reactions. This kind of nonsense is typical of Monsanto. The tests conducted by them shows that aspartame does not cause "allergic" reactions. This is their way of trying to minimize and hide

number and severity of toxic reactions that people are suffering as a consequence of long-term use of aspartame.
Given the following arguments for researchers becomes definitely too early to discard the role of methanol in the effects of 'aspartame:
1. The amount of methanol ingested with aspartame is unprecedented in human history. The methanol is ingested from fruit juice is not anywhere near the amount of methanol ingested with the intake of aspartame, particularly for people who ingest every day one to three liters (or more) of diet drinks. Unlike the methanol derived from aspartame, methanol from natural products is probably not absorbed or not converted into its toxic metabolites in significant measure as discussed earlier.
2. The lack of scientific evidence relating to changes in the levels of formic acid and formaldehyde in the plasma not prevent the damage caused by these toxic metabolites. Changes in levels often can not be found if the intake of methanol occurs for a short period.
3. Products that contain aspartame in most cases provide little or no nutrients that can protect dall'avvelenamento chronic methanol and are often consumed between meals. People who ingest these products to follow a diet low calorie nutritional deficiencies more often than people who drink fresh juices.
4. People with certain health problems or who use certain drugs may be more susceptible to chronic methanol poisoning.
5. A slow poisoning due to prolonged intake of these substances will lead to chronic disease and side effects. Many chronic diseases that seem to appear suddenly in reality they are acquired gradually in the body for many years.

6. A growing body of research indicates that many people are highly sensitive even to low doses of formaldehyde in the environment. The 'Environmental exposure to formaldehyde and ingestion of methanol (which converts to formaldehyde) from aspartame likely has a cumulative deleterious effect.
7. E 'was found that the' formic acid tends to accumulate slowly in various parts of the body. L 'formic acid inhibits (according to some studies) the metabolism of' oxygen.

8. A growing number of people when they ingest products containing aspartame to an extended period of time, an exhibition of chronic health problems similar to side effects chronic poisoning from methanol. This includes many cases of eye damage similar to the type of lesion found in cases of poisoning

Additional note on the toxic effects of aspartame: often it takes at least sixty days without any intake of aspartame (NutraSweet) to see a significant improvement. Check all labels very carefully (including vitamins and pharmaceuticals). Search for the word "aspartame" on 'label and avoid it. (Also avoid "Acesulfame-k" or "Sunette") Finally, do all the nutrition information from organizations that manage the public relations of the food industries that produce "junk foods" such as IFIC or organizations that accept funding from the food industry and chemical of junk foods like Dietetic Association Americana.
If you are a consumer of any product containing aspartame and have physical, visual, or mental ... Take a test: do not take aspartame for 60 days. If, after two months with no aspartame your symptoms are gone, or decreased, join with us to eliminate this neurotoxin from the market. Write a letter to the FDA, sent a copy to Betty Martini (to prove that the FDA does not keep the complaints it receives). Write to your politicians. Returned products that contain the 'aspartame where you bought them ... and ask for a full refund. Make a big mess if not full refund! Convince all your friends and family ... that will be better off if they stop using aspartame ... Involve them in and do the same.
Aspartame has become an "approved sweetener" by a few greedy and dishonest people who speculate trampling the lives and health of the people. Since both the FDA that politicians are largely compromised in the scandal, only a public information and activities can obtain the reclassification of this "food additive" in toxic and its removal from the human food chain.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Red Wine Dark Stool Color



in collaboration with


will begin in a few days, the initiative created and sponsored by Freedom of Mind. Pending the festivities will be undertaken in order to raise funds to purchase toys to donate to children of families placed in the class social weakest, most affected by economic and social conditions miserable.

"The deep crisis that has hit the economy in recent times has contributed to emerge even more clearly the social disproportions, especially in our territory, where a sharp fall in income was caused by temporary or even permanent loss of their jobs. A difficult situation is even more visible during the Christmas period, in which 'woes linked to consumerism do nothing but exacerbate the economic and social differences, and it is our intention to reduce these inequalities, at least for the children. "

The initiative will be implemented in collaboration with the soup kitchen located at the former nursery school "Oscar Pastor" whose personnel will be responsible to report the family assigned the collection. Toys for children are provided with gifts consisting of basic necessities for their families. Any citizen wishes to extend its contribution may do so by purchasing tickets to the value of 5 Euro.

The tickets will be available from exercises that will exhibit a poster that read GIVE FREE MIND. They will also be distributed by the association that may contact you at number 333 926 30 97.

Association "Free Mind", a view of absolute transparency, report on the site the number of tickets sold, the fee in cash proceeds, and a list of products purchased.

Info: A House For Life - ONLUS


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Baby Eczema Treatment Wikipedia

Doctor USA, agrees: The chemo destroys the brain

Chemotherapy destroys the memory and the brain. Yet it is in Italy continues to practice: Why?

LOS ANGELES: SU LADYSILVIA no surprise that it comes from a study by the University of California at Los Angeles and published in the latest edition of magazine Breast Cancer Research and Treatment " that shows something we already knew, namely that chemotherapy is detrimental and that there are no harmful techniques such as hyperthermia for soft tissue (liver, pancreas, intestine, breast, with no negative side effects such as falls of hair and weight loss, and no scalpel, I poisoning by drugs) and stereotactic radiotherapy for the hard parts (brain, lung, other parts) invented in the laboratories of the Department of Physics
Nuclear " Stockholm headed by Dr. Lax in Sweden.
But you know the number of pharmaceutical companies, faced with the money and even some, not all doctors, facing the god of money, do not look to
progress of science, but historically, remain anchored to the drugs than thirty years ago. Chemotherapy, says these studies, but not surprising, induces changes in brain metabolism and blood flow, and these effects the patient may suffer up to ten years away. These results help to explain the complaints of patients chemotherapy.
people struggling to focus and remember things in a way that not happened before chemotherapy, explains Dr.
Silverman, director worthy of the study carried out by him
Silverman and colleagues have used PET to scan the brains of patients who had undergone surgery to remove breast cancer from five to ten years before. Some of them had been subjected to chemotherapy to reduce the risk of recurrence.
comparing the PET images obtained from this group, a group of patients undergoing chemotherapy and an additional control group of healthy subjects, it was found in patients treated as one could see a sharp decline in the metabolism brain.
to this reduction in metabolism is a corresponding deterioration on tests of memory performance.
So the discovery of hot water, which in Sweden had already been established by the "Karolinska Hospital Center and Hospitals in the U.S. for several
Americans and Canadians, as "State University of New York Island" .
The best thing to do and get rid of the outdated and medieval officially chemotherapy in favor of modern "hyperthermia" and update "radiation standard" is very imprecise (affects both
healthy cells as carcinogenic KILL THAT ALSO SANE.) with the stereotactic Ultra precise through the use of computers and a Linear Accelerator 3D. "
Try to ask what do you think the WHO (World Health Organization) stop the chemo and "chemotherapy last" that weigh the gain and do not take into account progress in science.

Duilio Pacific.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Genital Tattoos Mobile

Results of the 6 th "THE WHISTLE IN SCHOOL


1st prize: 200 EURO, CUP AND DIPLOMA




EL. "Italo Calvino"





Monday, September 28, 2009

Can You Resize Leather Jackets?

Results of the 30 th International Literary Prize" Città di Moncalieri "

publish below the results of the 30 th International Literary Prize "City of Moncton."

To download / view the pdf file click here

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guild Skill Points In Ragnarok

30 º International Literary Prize

The Circle Saturnio is pleased to present the

30 º International Literary Prize City of Moncton

Sponsored by the Piedmont Region, Turin Province and City of Moncton

may contribute to the works of poets and writers of Italian and foreign with translation into Italian.

The award is divided into five sections:
(A) novel published
(B) Story, story, fable unpublished
(C) anthology edited
(D) unpublished poems in the language
(E) unpublished poems in dialect (with translation opposite)

You can download the rules and entry form here

Deadline June 12, 2009

To request information email

During the closing event will be awarded the "Premio Saturnio 2009" art, culture and entertainment Prof. Giorgio Barberi Squarotti.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How Do I Hang A Bike On The Wall Bike Rack

European Music Competition

All information and news on the 21 th edition of the European Music Competition are now available at this address

All the informations and news about the 21st European Music Competition are now available at this address

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Belly Button Hurts After Csection

The Circle Saturnio opens the season Music 2008-2009

The Circle Saturnio Music 2008-2009 Season opens with a concert
PATRICK Trampetti unmade bed &
A trip to a day long music

to be held at the Teatro Matteotti 29 January 2009

The unbridled force of the objection of '68, leaving students and workers around the world and that involves changing the entire society in all its aspects.
The music is an integral part, thus creating a cultural revolution and customs that will continue until the '80s, when the general ebb and stunning will come out of Yuppies and its derivatives, thereby an end to all forms of cultural movement and struggle.

The fall of the wall is still open in 89 other scenarios.
We sailed in this direction for another eighteen years, and the music was not foreign to social change, becoming too contradictory, so that in today's media world, which has become more telephone ringing song of struggle and protest as in '68 was the year in which this long journey begins.

In the show-concert will be performed original songs that will follow the path of those years and songs "momentous" by the Beatles and Joan Baez, the great Italian singers, all interspersed with poems by Allen Ginsberg, Dylan Thomas in Pasolini. The songs

Generations, their value, highlighting the differences between one era from the perspective of social and political efforts of several generations and the disillusionment of others.

unmade bed on MySpace