With art. 15 of Decree 135/09 (Ronchi Decree) the Government gives to private drinking water subtracting the citizens to hand, from 2011, the interests of big corporations and make a new business.
Wednesday, November 18 was voted confidence in the House on a Decree 135/09
Read the press release of the Italian Forum of Water MovementsWHO VOTED FOR THE PRIVATIZATION THE WATER DID NOT IN OUR NAME!
On September 10 the Council of Ministers approved the Decree 135/09.
The Senate, November 4, amended and approved the decree .
Then the text was discussed by the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives since November 10. On November 18
has won the confidence of the House Thursday, November 19 and was finally adopted ( read the text of art. 15).
The parliamentary process of the DL 135/09 - Article 15 and the modifications introduced . Its conversion into law
deprive citizens and the sovereignty of the Regions and Communities drinking water tap.
We think it is enough to prevent an epilogue, is inviolable for a concept that includes water as a universal right and not as a commodity, but also for disastrous impact that privatization could lead to citizens depending on growth rates.
is what happens when you privatize water (the case Acqualatina SpA).
In our opinion:
The Senate, November 4, amended and approved the decree .
Then the text was discussed by the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives since November 10. On November 18
has won the confidence of the House Thursday, November 19 and was finally adopted ( read the text of art. 15).
The parliamentary process of the DL 135/09 - Article 15 and the modifications introduced . Its conversion into law
deprive citizens and the sovereignty of the Regions and Communities drinking water tap.
We think it is enough to prevent an epilogue, is inviolable for a concept that includes water as a universal right and not as a commodity, but also for disastrous impact that privatization could lead to citizens depending on growth rates.
is what happens when you privatize water (the case Acqualatina SpA).
In our opinion:
This is the final commodification of goods essential to life
This is the final delivery to market of a universal human rightSIGN THE APPEAL ON-LINE: THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN "SAVE WATER" - GOVERNMENT privatize the 'WATER!
Protest against this decision by the Government through dialogue with parliamentarians and sending e-mail to the Minister of Environment, the various ministers and parliamentarians.
Ask your City Council take a stand against this decree declaring water a commodity and start a campaign - even through a signature campaign - to commit the council to include in the Charter Hall recognition that water is "a common good and a universal human right" and that the water service is "a free service of economic interest" to be managed in a public and with the participation local communities. ---> Download petition against Articles 15 and 23a to collect signatures and organize banquets
Support the actions proposed by the Italian Forum of Water Movements. These are our proposals for the water service ripubblicizzazione
Water privatized "Damn you ...!" - Letter from Father Alex Zanotelli (Comboni Missionary) - Subscribe to the Nov. 29 letter by sending an email to beni_comuni@libero.it concerned with: adhere