Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Decorate A Belt Buckle


When the grandchildren are kindergarten and when I have no way of studying (I have yet to agree to go to programs with prof ... I want!), Well ... when I have time to waste time , I like to post things up a bit 'useless:)
mmmmmitica But this song is!

I get knocked down,
But I get up again.
You're never gonna keep me down!

Biggestboob In Indian

My first tv crush

As the title ... and by noting that this love, when I started kindergarten, still persists!

is your first TV crush ? I know that Sam has discovered the TV later, but let's see if you hunt something out ... maybe Ranma? And for the Vale, could be Robin Hood (of course the TV series)?
how I love basking in the past ... sniff ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Get Weave Sewed In

Uff ... From Sam

After spending one of the toughest months of my life, after the last flight of the examination (which was Monday postponed to yesterday) I was shocked that the mind and body, after class today I managed to lie down and sleep on the couch.
I just woke up and by the book suffer from a sore throat and headache, as well as a chilly ................ hope that makes me ill when the stress is decompressed and the body relaxes, diseases ahead.

But I'd be sick that half the test.

photos are talkative, are strepitosissime, there are others?
Nadiaaaaaaa, did you photograph? ;)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Congruluatesomeone Who Give Birth

Computer language - the final hours of instruction, second semester 2010-11

Degree: Tuesday at 16:30 to 18:30 Classroom C
Thursday at 8:30 to 10:30 Workshop 1

degrees: Tuesday at 16:30 to 18:30 Classroom C
Wednesday hours 8:30 to 10:30 Workshop 1

classes Tuesday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 22 not to be held in the classroom because the sessions are held C degree.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Can I Find Out Which Cruise My Wife Is On?

Vale, how are you? You're a little 'in rest? I really hope that all both went well and that you are able to live these days with a peaceful spirit.

I went back last night from Brighton, where I was to find Sam. I will not tell the whole trip, but you put some pictures of Seven Sisters, a place that surely would have loved you too. Sam and I have seen a bit 'of Ireland. I hope that one day we'll take all three together. A great tour of Ireland and Scotland, we three hobbits!


