Monday, March 10, 2008

Does Scorpio Men Flirt?

Calendar Testing - Timetable

"City of Moncton"
Room "Primo Levi" - Teatro Comunale "G. Matteotti"
25/30 March 2008

Calendar of evidence (see below for version Inglese)

Tuesday, March 25
Hours Lounge 15/19 "Primo Levi" available to competitors for sound tests

Wednesday, March 26
Room "Primo Levi "
9.30 SECT IV Form A cat chamber
11.30 SECT III Wind soloists cat B
Ore 12.15 SECT III Wind soloists cat D
14.30 SEZ II solo strings cat A / B / C / E

Thursday, March 27
Room "Primo Levi"
9am SEZ Wind soloists cat III C IV
11am SEZ Forms cat chamber C

Friday, March 28
Room "Primo Levi" The Piano
8,30 SEZ cat G
16 Hours SEZ The Piano Cat And

Teatro Comunale "G. Matteotti "11 Hours
SEZ Form IV chamber cat B
15 Hours SEZ V Institutes musical all categories
17 Hours A cat SEZ III Wind soloists

Saturday, March 29
Room" Primo Levi "
8,30 SEZ The Piano Cat F
14.30 SEZ The Piano Cat D
17 Hours SEZ The Piano Cat C

Hall Sunday, March 30 "Primo Levi" The Piano SEZ
Hours 9 Hours
cat B 14.30 SECT The Piano Cat A

Teatro Comunale "G. Matteotti "
17.30 am Award ceremony and concert

NB 'mandatory for all competitors in its class to attend the appeal

" City of Moncton "
" Primo Levi " Hall - "G. Matteotti" Theatre
25th/30th March 2008


Tuesday 25th March
3 / 7 pm "Primo Levi" Hall available

rehearsal for Wednesday 26th March
"Primo Levi" Hall
9.30 am Chamber Ensemble IV SEC A cat
11.30 am Only winds cat III SEC B SEC III
12.15 am Only winds cat D
2 30 pm SEC II strings only cat A / B / C / E

Thursday 27th March
"Primo Levi" Hall III SEC
9 am Only winds cat C
11 am Chamber Ensemble IV SEC C cat

Friday 28th March
"Primo Levi" Hall
8.30 am The Piano Cat SEC G SEC
4 pm The Piano Cat And

G. Matteotti "Theatre
11 am Chamber Ensemble IV SEC B cat
SEC 3 pm at the V Music Schools cat
SEC III Only winds 5 pm A cat

Saturday 29th March
" Primo Levi "Hall 8.30 am
SEC The Piano Cat F
2.30 pm The SEC Plan SEC cat D
5 pm The Piano Cat C

Sunday 30th March
"Primo Levi" Hall
9 am The SEC Plan B cat
2.30 pm The SEC Plan A cat

G. Matteotti "Theatre and Concert Award

NB It's compulsory for all the Candidates to be present at Their roll-call category


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