Monday, April 12, 2010

An A Acustcppoem For Forgiveness

Article from "The City" to "Give Free Mind

ALESSANDRA DE VITA - " Give a happy Christmas to a child only " : the initiative is designed and promoted by the" Free Mind "Battipaglia. In view of Christmas, will be made for a fundraiser to buy toys to give to poor children. • "The deep crisis that has hit the economy in recent years - said the president, Joseph Nitto - has contributed to demonstrate even more clearly the social disproportions, especially in our territory. " A disturbing situation which "is even more visible during the Christmas season: our aim is to mitigate these inequalities, at least for children." The joint project will be implemented in collaboration with the Onlus "A home for life" managing the family home located in the former asylum "Oscar Pastor, whose body will have the task of selecting the family assigned the collection. Games for children will be accompanied by gifts made up of basic necessities for families. Those who wish to contribute can do so by purchasing tickets worth € 5 available hotels and guesthouses at the poster initiative. The site of the association is

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