Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mississippi Boat Title

Yesterday and 'over here as well the school year. Morning of festivities in the morning with the kids and dinner in the evening with colleagues: a day full of emotions and really cheerful.
... Now maybe we see a bit 'to update the blog with the latest work, not!

's work while waiting for a while 'to be presented. A new bag ...

A bag for shopping, picnics or the beach, spacious, cheerful and superversatile 'cause even reversible?
Here it is!

That 'I made a prototype and another 4 for my own sweet fellow, but just think' ... curse ... the others I have finished, finished, wrapped ... forgetting to take pictures as usual ... azz ... that anger !!!!!

The model for this bag I designed myself, 'cause I wanted the fund was to a certain extent and I liked a slightly "trapeze" (with pictures course I did not do well, none of these details , caspiterina!)
network still abound in similar patterns and related tutorials. You can look here for example and here.

Hello to all!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Make Someone Not Horney

Tutorial tutorials list Saturday's Saturday-Saturday-Saturday

How your week gone too? My e 'was challenging, even super-challenging, but not without satisfaction, in spite of everything ...

I have several projects in recent weeks to show you yet, but the energies are scarce in these parts. :)

This weekend promises to be dull, after days of blazing sun and temperatures in the summer: instead of going for a stroll like last Sunday (and here I still have photos to show you ... azz ... I'm always out of time !!!), I think I will pay 'to creativity', also because 'there are exigent chores that await me. We'll see What I'll be able 'to achieve the many things I have on my mind!

Meanwhile I leave you with a little 'unearthed a network of ideas during the week.

a little purse with multicolored stripes
A roly-poly owl all cuddly with pattern and easy instructions
New ideas for labels
An original bow for a gift bag

Good weekend to all!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Groping Women In Trains

Tutorial tutorials list

Saturday morning, finally, not! Who would have thought that this morning I would wake up with a nice 'sunburn? Even at this latitude, these things happen to me, I really hope not!! You should see the glowing color of my face ... I can not describe ...

And while my beloved husband looks at me and laughs with compassion, I have collected for you the usual tutorial on Saturday.
What we put in the yard again this time?

sewing a dress in one hour
A cardboard jewelry?!
A lovely doll
A portfolio (toh?! You know this stuff?:)) Happy weekend

to all!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Groping In Bus, Train

Sometimes it's return ...

generally does not replicate my work, but for this bag I made an 'exception, and since I' was requested by a person and I 'very dear.

The only variation introduced and 'in the sizes a bit' lower than the previous bag.

Some details ... the inside ...

zip closure ...

Detail of the side ...

The buckle on adjustable strap ...