Friday, June 11, 2010

Make Someone Not Horney

Tutorial tutorials list Saturday's Saturday-Saturday-Saturday

How your week gone too? My e 'was challenging, even super-challenging, but not without satisfaction, in spite of everything ...

I have several projects in recent weeks to show you yet, but the energies are scarce in these parts. :)

This weekend promises to be dull, after days of blazing sun and temperatures in the summer: instead of going for a stroll like last Sunday (and here I still have photos to show you ... azz ... I'm always out of time !!!), I think I will pay 'to creativity', also because 'there are exigent chores that await me. We'll see What I'll be able 'to achieve the many things I have on my mind!

Meanwhile I leave you with a little 'unearthed a network of ideas during the week.

a little purse with multicolored stripes
A roly-poly owl all cuddly with pattern and easy instructions
New ideas for labels
An original bow for a gift bag

Good weekend to all!


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