Monday, May 3, 2010

Collection Letter To A Patient

An octopus orange ... or evidence of Mother's Day

My grandmother had a long time ago, tried to start the art of knitting (crochet and knit), but had good time decreed that I was just a lost case and that she could not take it to teach me! Poor Grandma ... I must have traumatized! :)

But I'm stubborn and curious, and after spending lots of time on the internet to admire the work of the various crochet-friendly blog, to gather ideas and tutorials here and there ', I finally launched!

I'm not a chick from doilies, and not 'more' season of scarves, what to try first?! I happened to see this beautiful ring to ' crochet and I fell in love.
found a surplus of cotton and an old crochet at the flea market, I started to work.

Ok ... my husband and my son laughed like crazy and asked me why I want to put a finger OCTOPUS ... not 'certainly a masterpiece and I realized that I actually get a thread more' slim to get a ring more 'proportionate, but in short, as the first test is not' gone so 'evil (ok, I admit, I am also a who is content with little!).

If you are looking for inspiration crochet, do not miss the latest research by Roberta, who is also designing simple kit "from the park."


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