Friday, May 21, 2010

Stratching Labia Streaming

Tutorial Saturday-Saturday's show even more tutorials list

this week after having served up my "evidence of crochet, with the collection of the tutorial back to my first love, sewing , of \u200b\u200bcourse.

I searched for you a bit 'of links to patterns and instructions for making simple garments' s clothing.

An interesting collection of downloadable templates and 'that the French magazine Avantages.
Many models available to complete, though not in all sizes, but there are also many ideas for customizing clothing already 'packed. For steps more 'complex packaging are also of clear images that explain step by step implementation.

In this collection his head that I'd like to achieve and 'suitable for the season this top lightweight.

And yet a whole page of free models HotPatterns , with clothing and accessories.
In the first site you can find good models and the range of sizes and 'from 6 to 26 (American sizes), then so much for all your needs.
My favorite 'this jacket.

I hope I've offered some interesting and useful.

nice weekend!


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