Friday, February 18, 2011

Kod Licencyjny Do Baby Maker

Abroad ...

When Sam wrote that he had finally handed over the essay, I came an opportunity to express a personal opinion that I wanted to share with you, because the inn is also a serious place, where you can discuss ...
That essay I will evaluate, Cate?

This brings me to an observation: I've heard (directly and indirectly) that the foreign universities set to a very different work, and therefore the relationship with students ... in Finland, Spain, England, Ireland etc ... Students are required to write and perform the duties and personal research that will make all media with the overall assessment.
This, seen in optical educational means
- commitment and constant study for the student (since I doubt you will be able to prepare a similar task from tabula rasa)
- commitment of the teacher, in reviewing and assessing
- an approach different discipline, no longer passive but active and intimate search
- a different relationship between student and professor (or assistant)
- an assessment of the final diverting (though even slightly) from the single test, carried out in only those hours of emotional stress and mental fatigue
- one more chance to stimulate and detect talents

whole exams in other universities (maybe even here in Italy, I do not know where, but abroad is considered a true methodology), the tasks are carried out at home-made: and if students do not take advantage of, because they were raised differently, and do not pull sighs of relief because aim of cloning from the web (it's like saying - I give you all the freedom, so you get individually controlled, which means even deny you alone- ).

WHY 'NOT HERE? We are light years behind, because other countries have a history and un'interesse for education and schools that we do not even imagine. I wish I could read my books to the university to show you what is written in black and white, that Italy has never been able to see the formation of a young value, a projection into the future, something on which stake everything, because all you do affaracci own, because we have centuries of corruption, and a cord that binds us to the Church absolutely not indifferent ...

I learned that these little things are the foundation of everything that's happening right now, for example, are the basis of report card that my niece has brought home the other day.
I may be pedantic, but I look with disgust at a report card numbers to 6 years: what they can mean for them? The report card should be an important sign for the child before the parent to a child what they say ....... a 7 or 9 when still can not even write correctly? What the hell is the meaning of?

The numbers are used only for grandmothers to ask if his grandson was the best report card of the class, as he took his classmate used to say ... "but then you are a geek!" serves to create in their expectations, then the presumption, then competition negative, and distorted perceptions of what is important, and depression in bankruptcy ..... so in the long run, performance anxiety.
I am disgusted by these things, I say it loud and clear.
I'm also realizing how many things I grew up, now. And I'm doing a solid personal opinions: I'm happy!


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